《尼尔机械纪元》全Steam成就指南 结局收集等成就攻略
2017-08-03 11:59
成就图标 | 成就简要说明 |
Resuscitated Body Stare into space from the Bunker. 从Bunker中眺望宇宙:完成序章自动获得 |
Vestiges of Prosperity Arrive at the city ruins. 抵达都市废墟:一周目剧情成就 |
It's a Healthy Baby Boy! Complete the desert area. 完成沙漠地带:一周目剧情成就 |
We Await Your Next Visit Complete the amusement park ruins. 完成游乐园废墟:一周目剧情成就 |
Creation and Insurrection Complete the alien ship. 完成外星飞船:一周目剧情成就 |
The Mechanical Kingdom Complete the forest castle. 完成森林古堡:一周目剧情成就 |
Ruler of the Deep Complete the flooded city. 完成淹没都市:一周目剧情成就 |
Those Who Love Humans Complete the copied city. 完成复刻城市:一周目剧情成就 |
Iron Soul Complete the abandoned factory. 完成废弃工厂:一周目剧情成就 |
One Battle Ends Achieve ending A. 达成结局A:一周目通关自动解锁 |
A New Battle Begins Achieve ending B. 达成结局B:二周目通关自动解锁 |
Final Wish Watch 2B die. 目睹2B的死亡:三周目剧情成就 |
Treacherous Blade Control A2 for the first time. 初次操作A2:三周目剧情成就 |
Farewell, Pascal Grant Pascal's final request. 答应Pascal最后的请求:三周目剧情成就 |
Justice Stop all resource recovery units. 关停所有资源回收装置:三周目剧情成就 |
Crime and Punishment Watch the final moments of Devola and Popola. 目睹Devola与Popola姐妹的弥留之际:三周目剧情成就 |
Leaving for the New World Achieve 9S's ending. 达成9S结局:完成三周目结局C的成就,需要在A2和9S最终决战时选择9S。 注意:完成C、D任意结局后将解锁章节选择功能,你可以重新开始决战,达成相对的A2结局 |
Beautiful World Achieve A2's ending. 达成A2结局:完成三周目结局D的成就,需要在A2和9S最终决战时选择A2。 注意:完成C、D任意结局后将解锁章节选择功能,你可以重新开始决战,达成相对的9S结局 |
The Minds That Emerged View the final credits. 观看结尾职员名单:即完成结局E的成就,结局E要求完成结局C和D,之后按游戏中Pod的提示进入结局E,完成结尾弹幕游戏即可获得该成就 |
Transcendent Being All endings achieved. 完成全部26个结局,详细请查阅“全结局达成条件”章节 |
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