Grenadiers GrenadiersGrenadiers are large, strong men, armed with muskets and carrying bags of bombs to hurl at the enemy’s ranks. Explosive grenades are one of the oldest types of gunpowder weapon, and one of the most dangerous to use. Grenades are a simple cast iron ball, with a fuse sticking out of the top. Fuses are notoriously unreliable, and grenadiers can die as their own bombs explode prematurely. Yet no matter how terrifying grenades are for the throwers, they are infinitely worse for the targets! Grenadiers see themselves as elite, and occupy the place of honour at the right of the line on parade. They have good reason: only large, brave men become grenadiers, because it takes a big chap to throw one properly. Even their uniform makes them look bigger thanks to the pointed grenadier’s cap; a tricorne gets in the way of a good throw. Historically, grenadier regiments and battalions began as ad hoc assault forces. All line infantry regiments had grenadier companies; collecting these sub-units gave commanders a useful group of heavily armed, aggressive and skilful soldiers. Grenadier companies remained in line infantry regiments after the creation of grenadier regiments, but they abandoned grenades. Instead, each grenadier company became a “heavy mob” of the biggest and strongest soldiers in a regiment. Grenadiers 掷弹兵 掷弹兵由高大强壮的士兵组成,他们是勇猛、好斗、训练有素的重装部队,装备滑膛枪并携带数袋用来投向敌人步兵阵线的炸弹。掷弹是最古老的火药武器之一,也是使用风险最大的火药武器之一。这种炸弹看上去像一个铸造简单的铁球,在顶端有一根导火线。这种臭名昭著的导火线极不可靠,提早爆炸很可能令掷弹兵死在自己的炸弹手里。不过,尽管这种炸弹对使用者很危险,它对敌人却更危险!掷弹兵自视为军中精英,行军和阅兵时都列队在代表荣耀的队伍右侧。这些荣誉是他们应得的:只有身材高大,体格强壮的勇士才能通过选拔,并且经过严格训练才能成为合格的掷弹兵。因为,只有这样的人才能无所畏惧,精确完美地投掷炸弹,让炸弹造成最大的伤害。甚至连他们的服装都有其特殊之处:掷弹兵制服让他们看起来更为高大,尖顶军帽可以使得投掷炸弹更加方便。在历史上,掷弹兵团和掷弹兵营一开始是作为精英突击队出现的。所有的战列步兵团都配有掷弹兵连。在成立单独的掷弹兵团建制后,掷弹兵连仍然被保留在了步兵团中,但他们不再装备掷弹,而成为团内最强壮、最高大的士兵才能进入的精英单位。 游民星空《帝国:全面战争》专区 相关资讯请关注:帝国:全面战争专区