《八方旅人》各地图NPC作用及剧情汇总(英文版) 隐藏道具NPC位置介绍
2018-07-21 11:05
Guard (Near Entrance) | 新可购买武器 |
Townsperson (Near Inn) | 旅馆折扣 |
Girl | 隐藏道具 |
Boy | 机智的交换 |
Tavern Patron | 隐藏道具 |
Tavern Patron | 隐藏道具 |
药师 | 熟练指导 |
Guard (South Exit of Palace Gates) | 隐藏道具 |
商人 | 隐藏道具 |
Elderly Woman | 隐藏道具 |
Know-it-all Milo | The Jellypeno |
Handsome Minstrel | 索克拉思之歌 |
Guard (North Exit of Palace Gates) | 隐藏道具 |
Guard (Near Entrance of Palace) | 隐藏道具 |
Boy (Inside Palace) | 隐藏道具 |
Guard | 隐藏道具 |
Guard | 隐藏道具 |
Village Headman | 旅馆折扣 |
Elderly Woman | 充足补给 |
Crest-bearing Swindler | 隐藏道具 |
Obliging 商人 | 隐藏道具 |
Villager (Blocking House Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Near Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Witnes | 目击者陈述 |
Muttering Codger | 冰巨人睡觉的地方 |
Knight Ardante (Near East Exit) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Blocking House Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Right of Townsperson Blocking House Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
神官 | 熟练指导 |
Townsperson (Right of Prison) | 旅馆折扣 |
Knight Ardante (Near Cathedral Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Near Cathedral Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
神官 (Near Cathedral Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Mother | 隐藏道具 |
Boy | 隐藏道具 |
神官 (Right Side of Cathedral) | 隐藏道具 |
Former Knight Ardante | 骑士阿丹特的谣言 |
神官 (Near Sacred Flame) | 新可购买武器 |
商人 (Near Weapon Shop) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Blocking House Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
神官 (Inside Tavern) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Near Entrance of Grandport Markets) | 新可购买武器 |
商人 (Red Clothes, Near Ship) | 隐藏道具 |
Bazaar Shopper (Next to the green dressed 商人) | 旅馆折扣 |
Bazaar Shopper (Top Right) | 隐藏道具 |
Bazaar Shopper (Bottom Left) | 隐藏道具 |
Ship Captain | 隐藏道具 |
Lara | 劳拉的新生活 |
商人 (Near Entrance to Grandport Bazaar) | 隐藏道具 |
商人 (Inside Grandport Bazaar) | 隐藏道具 |
Aristocrat (Inside Grandport Bazaar) | 机智的交换 |
Townsperson (Near Entrance) | 偷窃技巧(可以大大提高盗窃成功率) |
Townsperson (Near Weapon Shop) | 隐藏道具 |
Knight Ardante | 挑衅专业人士 |
Scholarly Youth | 黄金城 |
Elderly Woman | 隐藏道具 |
Guard (Inside Palace, Near Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Guard (Guarding the Throne, Right Guard) – | 隐藏道具 |
Guard (Guarding the Throne, Left Guard) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (near Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Affable Antiquarian | 隐藏道具 |
Elderly Woman (Blocking House Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Fashionable Traveler | 纺织品用途 |
Gateskeeper (Left) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Left of the Tavern) | 无法抵挡的诱惑 |
Tavern Patron | 隐藏道具 |
Tavern Patron | 旅馆折扣 |
Tavern Patron | 新可购买武器 |
Tavern Patron | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Right of the Tavern) | 隐藏道具 |
Boy' s Mother | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Near Book-loving Girl) | 偷窃技巧(可大大提升偷窃成功率) |
Book-loving Girl | 隐藏道具 |
Guard (Entrance) | 新可购买武器 |
Impoverished Man | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Blocking House Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Angela | 旅馆折扣 |
Tavern Patron | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (Blocking House Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Villager (Near Entrance) | 充足补给 |
Oblivious Townsperson | 隐藏道具 |
Miserable Mother | 隐藏道具 |
Villager (Blocking House Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Affable 商人 | 克利夫兰之龙 |
Villager (Near West Exit) | 旅馆折扣 |
Lazy Loafer | 隐藏道具 |
Left Guard (Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Left Guard (Inside Tavern) | 隐藏道具 |
Right Guard (Inside Tavern) | 偷窃技巧(可大大提升偷窃成功率) |
商人 | 旅馆折扣 |
Old Man | 隐藏道具 |
Elderly Woman | 熟练挑战 |
Townsperson (blocking House Entrance near Savepoint in Lower Riverford) | 隐藏道具 |
商人 (Lower Riverford) | 隐藏道具 |
S' warkii
Villager (Near Entrance) | 挑衅专业人士 |
Scholar of Beasts | 如何训练老虎 |
Hunter (Near Tavern) | 隐藏道具 |
Old Storyteller | 驯兽师的故事 |
Highbrow Historian | 拜伦家族血统 |
Fledgling Hunter | 隐藏道具 |
Villager (Blocking House Entrance) | 旅馆折扣 |
Village Headsman | 隐藏道具 |
Hunter (Near West Exit) | 充足补给 |
Townsperson (Near Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Erstwhile Sellsword | 隐藏道具 |
River Dweller | 隐藏道具 |
Worrywart | 隐藏道具 |
Old Man | 熟练挑战 |
Townsperson (Near Exit to Saintsbridge: Upstream) | 旅馆折扣 |
Townsperson (Near Exit to Saintsbridge) | 新可购买武器 |
Townsperson (Near Exit to Murkwood Trail) | 隐藏道具 |
Knight Ardante | 隐藏道具 |
Right Kindly 神官 | 隐藏道具 |
神官 | 熟练指导 |
Townsperson (Inside Cathedral) | 隐藏道具 |
Villager (near Entrance) | 充足补给 |
Boy (Left of Snowman) | 隐藏道具 |
Girl (Right of Snowman) | 隐藏道具 |
Moneylender | 隐藏道具 |
Veteran Mercenary | 霜地之龙 |
Townsperson (Behind Snowman) | 隐藏道具 |
Old Man (near East Exit) | 无法抵挡的诱惑 |
Frostlands Farmer | 隐藏道具 |
Villager (north Exit) | 挑衅专业人士 |
Victor' s Hollow
Townsperson (near Entrance) | 新可购买武器 |
Doting Aunt | 父亲与斗者 |
Orphanage Matron | 马尔塔的帮派 |
Townsperson (near West Exit) | 隐藏道具 |
商人 | 隐藏道具 |
Spectator (Their muscles are incredible!) | 隐藏道具 |
Spectator (Have you heard of the tourney?) | 旅馆折扣 |
Spectator (Age has caught up with me, though) | 熟练挑战 |
Spectator (The arena isn' t the only thing this city can boast!) | 隐藏道具 |
Old Man | 隐藏道具 |
Mont d' Or | Mont d' Or的训练 |
Estadas | Estadas的训练 |
Arena Attendant | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (near Entrance) | 隐藏道具 |
Townsperson (near Tavern) | 旅馆折扣 |
Old Man | 充足补给 |
Guard (guarding the barracks) | 熟练挑战 |
Guard (inside barracks) | 隐藏道具 |
Bale | 隐藏道具 |